Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

Here's a picture of the hair that I want to get (it's the girl in the middle):

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But would it look okay on me?

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I don't mind about the high maintenance etc. I like gelling my hair and stuff. I really want to get this haircut, would it look alright?

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

yeah! that would look soo good on you! but make sure that you really want it before you change it. try looking in the mirror and pulling your hair up to about that lenght and just see if you can picture yourself like that. and dont chop it all off at once. keep trimming it until you are satisfied. and if you do cut it like that a tip is that its really cute when you put temperary die in the back when you spike it. like pink or something. my friend did that and it looked super cute. and i think it will on you too!

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?


It'll be sooo much fine!

*Hope I helped and hope you choose me for best answerer*

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

I think it would look fine on you but make sure you definately want it before you change you hairstyle

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

maybe. It probably also depend on your personality. It would probably be a shock if you're sensative and shy, but if you're totally outgoing people will compliment.

it would look good though.

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

yeah, you could definately rock it.

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

I think the hair cut would suit you because you don't have curly or thick hair...and it's super cute. The only thing I would suggest is that you don't cut it too short at first because you might regret it. You should try cutting it a little, then a little more, then go all the way if you feel comfortable.. believe me I have had my share of bad hair experiences! lol. Hope it helps!

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

It definitely would look rad on you!

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

Of Course!!

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

ya!!! totally works for you!!!


Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

The hair in the middle is super cute... but she has different skin tone than you! I think that cut and "idea" will be great on you, but if I were you I might consider not bleaching the hair out... instead maybe doing a super dark brown (possibly even black...) and then when they do it at the salon have them leave the chunk that you want to color with blue or pink or green or whatever you will go with. The cut is really neat though and I think that you have the facial features to make it look HOT! Good luck!

Seriously take the pic to a salon and they can help you decide the best colors, after all you want it to be edgy and out there- but cute--- not just plain odd and dumb, right?

You will pull it off and it will be awesome! Let us know how it turns out!

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

Your layers are too short yet. Are you gonna bleach it? Your color will not go with the style. What about makeup? that cut will need some cover up and eyeliner to put the look together. Just being honest. You're a cute girl, but the hair goes with a whole look and attitude.

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

yea i think it will look really good on u

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

I think your face may be too long for this haircut. Something longer or with bangs would faltter your face more. Just my opinion...

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

ya i think that hair color would so look awesome on you, you would totally rock it!

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

i love it i want it lol too afriad to go that short also if you like that check out my friends hair

Would it look alright (pictures are working this time)?

yea...u should try it out!

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