Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why is Jesus always pictured with long hair and looking like a hippie?

Christians show me where in the bible Jesus looked like this and show me where it actually decribes what Satan looked like

Why is Jesus always pictured with long hair and looking like a hippie?

Isn't it funny that when the bible was written, they stated that any man who has long hair should be ashamed or something like that....then the rest of the book goes on to worship this long-haired hippie...

Where's the consistency, for fu*ks sake?!?!

Why is Jesus always pictured with long hair and looking like a hippie?

Jesus looked and dressed like the times He lived. They had longer hair and beards. I saw Him as a little girl and He had longer hair and a beard, but it not his looks that interested me, but His goodness and His forgiving eyes that caught my attention.

Why is Jesus always pictured with long hair and looking like a hippie?

My opinion is that Jesus was painted to look like a Roman because of the anti-Jewish sentiment in the church.

Jesus dressed and looked no different than any religious Jew of His day. For proof, the Bible says that His enemies watched His ACTIONS. If He looked the way those paintings depict, they wouldn't have to "watch His actions," they would've called Him for not wearing tallit, and tzitzit.

Why is Jesus always pictured with long hair and looking like a hippie?

Because Jesus saying you got to give all of your material possessions away to go to a magical kingdom he saw while hallucinating in a desert is something a hippie might say.

Why is Jesus always pictured with long hair and looking like a hippie?

its artistic license purely of the artist.not to mention it says nothing but jesus had a far as his physical appearance. it does say a man w/long hair is unnatural/shame though.therefore,the depiction are truly false.I Cor. 11:6,14 -15.

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